10 Rare & Unique Houseplants You Will Love

As houseplants are becoming more and more popular, we are constantly seeking our new or unique indoor plants to add to our collections. Finding that perfect rare houseplant is now a mild obsession of mine!

When was the last time you visited a local garden center or home improvement store? If you took a look at the houseplants and indoor plants, I’m guessing that you probably saw some Snake Plants, Spider Plants, Pothos, maybe a Peace Lily or some succulents in cute pots. They are all amazing plants, but not exactly the rare indoor house plant that you’re looking for.

It seems like every store sells the exact same plants! They are all amazing plants, but not exactly the rare indoor house plant that you’re looking for.

Well, I’m here to relieve you of your houseplant boredom and help you discover some rare and unique houseplants that you’ve probably never heard of!

There really are some beautiful options for rare houseplants… it’s time to think ‘outside the pot’!

Unique Houseplants

Pencil Cactus - Rare and Unique houseplants

There is a reason why you see the same plants again and again at stores. These are the plants that are easy to grow, easy to care for, and, transport easily. Plants that require a little bit more care and attention would probably die before they even reached the store!

Check out my post of 15 Hard to Kill Houseplants You Will Love!

Although, that’s not to say that ALL unique houseplants are difficult to care for. Some are very easy! Some will even do well in low light conditions. But others do need a little bit more care than average.

Nature really is amazing and there are soooo many types of plants. Why should we limit ourselves to the ones that Home Depot can keep alive long enough to sell to us?

10 Rare Indoor Plants

The rare houseplants below will not only bring life to your living room, but they will also add a pop of color or interesting texture to your room decor.

1. Nerve Plant

This colorful plant is from South America and is just stunning! It’s called a Nerve Plant because of the bright red veins on the leaves (they kinda look like nerves!).

It does like dry air and low humidity and you will also want to watch out for cold drafts. Apart from that, it’s a pretty easy grower and will look gorgeous in any room.

2. Desert Rose

The Desert Rose, surprisingly, comes from the desert! The deserts of Africa and the Middle East to be more precise. When in flower it adds a wonderful pop of color to your room, and even without the flowers, it’s a great focal point to your indoor garden.

As it’s a desert plant it is OK if you forget to water it occasionally. You want to make sure the soil dries out completely between watering. In warmer months, you can put it on your patio to encourage more growth.

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3. Banana Shrub

This unique indoor plant might be called a Banana Shrub but it isn’t actually from the banana family, in fact, it’s from the Magnolia family of plants. It got its name because the flowers smell of bananas!

This plant loves lots of light, so a sunny south-facing window is best (although east or west-facing will do). Allow the soil to dry between watering and be sure not to overwater it as they are prone to root disease.

4. Pencil Cactus

Cacti come in so many shapes and sizes. This is one of the more unusual ones! The Pencil Cactus gets its name because… well, it looks like a bunch of pencils!

Be careful of its milky sap, as that, can be toxic (not a pet-friendly plant). It likes sunny spots, so a southern windowsill is best. Make sure you use cactus soil and only water it a few times a month. When watering, thoroughly saturate the soil until it drains out of the bottom of the pot. In my opinion, this cactus really is one of the best unique plants indoor.

5. Albuca Frizzle Sizzle

This rare houseplant, Frizzle Sizzle, looks like something you would find in a Dr. Suess book! The thick spiraled leaves will give a modern and architectural look to any room. In the spring it even produces sweet-smelling flowers! Sometimes the leaves will turn brown when it flowers. If you don’t want this to happen, just snip off the flower spikes when they start to grow.

This plant needs lots of light, so take advantage of your south-facing windows for this one. And once again, allow the soil to dry out between watering.

6. Club Moss

If you are looking for the perfect terrarium plant, then the Club Moss is it! It keeps a compact size, does fine in low light conditions, however, it does require humidity to thrive.

Make sure you water frequently and don’t allow the soil to dry out (but don’t overwater, it doesn’t like soggy soil!). This plant does require at least 50% humidity, so keep that in mind before purchasing. Not a good idea if you live in a very dry area.

7. Polka Dot Begonia

The wide variety of begonias always surprises me! There are so many different types and some look completely different from what you would expect. Like this Wightii (or Polka Dot) Begonia! Just look at those leaves! The best unique house plant? Could well be!

This plant doesn’t require full sun, so an easterly or westerly window is fine. Be careful not to overwater this one, and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

8. Black Bat Flower

This really is one of the strangest flowers you will see! You don’t see many black flowers! Is it a bat? Is it a cat? Yep, I don’t know either, but the Black Bat Flower is stunning! This plant blooms from late summer into fall, so it means it will probably be flowering around Halloween!

This is a tropical houseplant and doesn’t like temperatures below 60 degrees. Don’t put it in direct sun, it will even do well on a northerly windowsill (a great low light plant). As always, don’t overwater this one. Let the soil dry out between waterings.

9. Night Blooming Jasmine

This is the most fragrant rare houseplant on this list and definitely one you should consider (and one of my personal favorites)! The glossy dark green leaves are beautiful, but the real joy of this plant is the tiny white flowers. When they open at night, they release a strong, rich, and romantic smell!

These are pretty thirsty plants (especially when the weather is warmer), but you want to make sure that the soil drys between watering. Night Blooming Jasmine does love the sun! So make sure you find a sunny window for this unique house plant.

10. Tweedle Dee Begonia

This plant might look like a bonsai tree, but it’s actually a begonia! The Tweedle Dee Begonia has a stunning truck and cute little leaves with silver edge markings.

This plant does fine in partial sun, so a west or east-facing window would work well. Make sure your indoor temperatures don’t drop below 60 degrees though. It does also need higher humidity levels, ideally over 50%.

Pothos and Snake Plants are pretty, but why not add a bit of ‘wow’ to your plant collection with one (or more) of these unique houseplants. Time to think outside the pot!

All these plants are available from Logee’s Plants. They specialize in unique and tropical plants for indoors and outdoors.

Find Your Perfect Plant. Take the Houseplant Quiz!

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